Back in the day, if you lost your car key, you could get a spare one duplicated at the hardware store, a locksmith company, or at your dealership. Nowadays, however, losing your car keys has become much more complicated than it was before the 1990s ~ that is, before computer chips. A regular car key, with its singular cuts and grooves, used to be just like a house key, so you could get it copied for almost nothing.

Virginia Beach Automotive Locksmith

The disadvantage to a basic car key in those days was obviously that, since it was so easy to copy, it was also a breeze for a car thief to steal your vehicle. Vehicles are much more difficult to steal today because of advances in transponder key technology. Unquestionably, a transponder key, even though it’s expensive, is worth the peace of mind you get from it.

But what should you do if you lose your transponder key?

What’s kind of transponder key have you lost?

Inside the transponder key’s plastic head is a transponder chip, which sends a unique signal, which goes to the receiver in your car, telling it to start up. The major difference between a transponder key and a standard key is that the chip inside the transponder key has to be programmed. For most automobiles today, an electronic key fob (also referred to as the remote) is an integral component to your key set. It’s imperative that you safeguard your transponder key, because, depending on the complexity level of its design and on the automaker, the replacement of a lost electronic fob is often very expensive. The fob must be properly programmed. There are some dealerships that will do it for nothing, but most will charge a lot.

A switchblade key is another type of key with a transponder chip inside. A switchblade key has a shank, which folds into the fob when you’re not using it. Press a button, and it pops out. This key has either a regular cut or a laser cut. One benefit of the switchblade key is that you can get the parts separately. If you’ve really lost your key for good, then both components will require programming.

For some cars, the transponder key and the fob are all in one unit. Also known as a laser-cut key, the shank is a bit thicker, and has fewer carved-out grooves. Laser-cut keys are sometimes referred to as “sidewinder” keys, because of the winding-shaped cut on the shank. The laser-cut key’s built-in transponder chip has to be programmed. It’s more difficult to get a spare key made anywhere, except at your dealership. It costs more, but your car’s more secure.

A smart key is not a key at all ~ not in the usual sense of the word. It’s just a fob. You either put it into the dash, or you keep it in your pocket, on your belt buckle, or in your purse. You just sit in the driver’s seat, and start or stop your car with the press of a button. A smart key is extraordinarily secure, because it has rolling security codes. That means it’s continuously randomizing the correct code, a significant feature that prevents a potential car thief from hacking it using a code grabber. Get your smart key replaced at the dealership.

Make a spare key.

Are you constantly unable to find your keys, bickering with your spouse or teenager over who lost whose keys? Save money on transponder key programming when you make a third spare key. Since you probably already have two keys (which you would have received when you bought your car), a lot of makes and models will allow you to program a third key. First, hire an automotive locksmith to cut a third key for you, and then you can follow your owner’s manual to program it on your own.

The following procedure will work on many American-made vehicles. But before you spend any money, check with your dealership or with a local automotive locksmith professional to ask if it will work with your specific vehicle. If you’re located anywhere in Virginia Beach, Virginia, find a local reputable locksmith, such as the skilful mobile automotive locksmith specialists on staff at Virginia Beach Locksmith.

  1. Insert one of the two working keys, and turn the ignition to the “on” position for about 3 seconds (don’t start the car).
  2. Do the same thing with your second key.
  3. Now insert the new third key, and turn it to the “on” position for another three seconds. This will successfully program your extra key.


One thing you can do to get in your car is that you can get only the basic key, without the transmitter. This costs less, and you’ll at least have a key to get you inside your vehicle. This comes in handy if you lock your car keys inside the car. The programming element, which does the remote locking and unlocking, is a luxury, since it’s not required for gaining entry or for driving your car. You can program this part yourself by following the owner’s manual’s instructions, or hire a professional automotive locksmith technician in Virginia Beach to do it for you.

Never lose your transponder key again!

Any way you slice it, a transponder key is expensive. The best defense against misplacing it again is to prepare ahead of time. Don’t tempt fate! If you have only one car key, it’s a lot better to have a backup spare key made right now, than to get stressed out over it later, when you’ll end up spending more than you wanted to, in what will likely be a crisis.

Anywhere you choose to program your transponder key, you will need:

  • your vehicle’s chassis number
  • proof that you’re really the owner, with two forms of ID
  • the code from the manufacturer’s original code card, which came with your vehicle

If you don’t have that code, track down an automotive locksmith technician who will do the proper reprogramming to get you back on the road again. A trustworthy professional will be highly qualified to help you, normally at a lower price than what the dealership charges.

Virginia Beach Locksmith –Ignition Cylinder Problems: What to Do

The team at Virginia Beach Locksmith is one of those businesses that is so dedicated to helping customers that they have provided a list of tips to try out when your vehicle has ignition cylinder problems. This is relevant to people in Virginia Beach, VA but also all over the place. Anyone who has a car can benefit from their knowledge, because let’s face it, whether you drive a Mazda, a Hyundai, a Honda or a Lexus, you can end up having issues come up that you just don’t know exactly how to deal with. Sometimes, the issue might entail overheating because of extreme temperatures, belt problems, A/C problems or brake problems. Other times, the concern might be something that an automotive lock and security provider would deal with. Ignition cylinder problems are generally fixable with the help of a trusted locksmith.

Virginia Beach Smart KeyHave a look at some common issues that might arise with the ignition cylinder, and use this advice to help determine the best course of action. Ultimately, if you don’t have the right parts and tools, or experience, it is a wise idea to hire a lock and security professional who specializes in automotive solutions. Hiring someone licensed and insured can save you a lot of stress, and money in the long run. Of course, there are checks that you can do yourself without having any previous experience. Browse through these common problems and see if you are facing something similar.

Key Stuck in Ignition

Generally speaking, when you buy a new car, you have faith that the locks and keys are going to work. Unfortunately, things can go wrong, and one of the things that might happen is the car key becomes trapped in the ignition cylinder. This is one of the most common problems that an automotive locksmith is called for. Your vehicle will not be usable if the key is trapped in the ignition. If the key gets stuck while the car is turned on, you will be unable to turn it off or remove the key. And if it happens while the car is turned off, you will not be able to turn it on. This is why you need access to 24/7 emergency assistance, and with many locally based locksmiths, you will be able to get this service.

But before you call a lock and security professional, there are things you can try on your own. If your car happens to be turned on, take a look at the gears. Is your car in drive rather than park? If so, your issue was very simple. All you have to do is put the car in park. If your car happens to be turned off, check the position of the key. Jiggle the steering wheel gently from side to side while attempting to extract the key. Don’t pull too hard, though. Finally, make sure that you don’t have a dead battery. These are some common things that happen which cause a key to become stuck in the ignition, and the issue isn’t really that severe after all.

If you have determined that you need the help of a professional to extract your key from the ignition, make sure that your key is kept in the lock position so that you don’t drain your car’s battery while you wait for the expert to get to your location. Also, make sure that you hire someone who is licensed and insured to assist you.

Virginia Beach Automotive LocksmithAttempted Theft

Another issue that can occur with regards to the vehicle’s ignition cylinder is damage after an attempted theft. If someone tried to steal your vehicle and messed around with the ignition cylinder, it will very likely need to be replaced. They might have caused extensive damage to the switch or other components. If you know your vehicle was broken into, make sure that you have the right repairs made. You should feel safe using your car at all times, and if you do not, you should have anything that is problematic taken care of right away. It is your safety and security at stake, after all.

Jammed Wafers

The ignition cylinder could end up having jammed wafers. What exactly does this mean? This is when the wafers which match up to specific parts of your key become worn out or filled with dirt, which can cause the switch to malfunction. Individual wafer replacement might be the solution, but you might also just need a deep cleaning.

What to Expect with a Professional

If you determine that a professional is needed, then be sure to keep the following in mind. When the locksmith arrives to provide you with assistance for key extraction, ask any questions that you might have. They should tell you exactly what they need to do. They might end up needing to replace the ignition cylinder. Regardless, they should arrive with the right tools to get the job done. Make sure that you get pricing information upfront so that no hidden fees are tacked on. You should know exactly what to expect.

When ignition cylinder problems come up, those who are in Virginia Beach, Virginia should reach out to the team at Virginia Beach Locksmith. But if you reside somewhere else, just do a quick Google search to be able to view the best locksmiths in your local area. You are sure to be able to find someone who is available 24 hours a day to help you out. Your vehicle was expensive and it is important that it is handled with care. When you hire the right place for the job, you can trust that everything will be handled with care and professionalism. Hopefully the information provided here offers the guidance you are looking for in making a decision and identifying the source of the problem.

Best of luck with fixing or replacing your ignition cylinder!