Back in the day, if you lost your car key, you could get a spare one duplicated at the hardware store, a locksmith company, or at your dealership. Nowadays, however, losing your car keys has become much more complicated than it was before the 1990s ~ that is, before computer chips. A regular car key, with its singular cuts and grooves, used to be just like a house key, so you could get it copied for almost nothing.

Virginia Beach Automotive Locksmith

The disadvantage to a basic car key in those days was obviously that, since it was so easy to copy, it was also a breeze for a car thief to steal your vehicle. Vehicles are much more difficult to steal today because of advances in transponder key technology. Unquestionably, a transponder key, even though it’s expensive, is worth the peace of mind you get from it.

But what should you do if you lose your transponder key?

What’s kind of transponder key have you lost?

Inside the transponder key’s plastic head is a transponder chip, which sends a unique signal, which goes to the receiver in your car, telling it to start up. The major difference between a transponder key and a standard key is that the chip inside the transponder key has to be programmed. For most automobiles today, an electronic key fob (also referred to as the remote) is an integral component to your key set. It’s imperative that you safeguard your transponder key, because, depending on the complexity level of its design and on the automaker, the replacement of a lost electronic fob is often very expensive. The fob must be properly programmed. There are some dealerships that will do it for nothing, but most will charge a lot.

A switchblade key is another type of key with a transponder chip inside. A switchblade key has a shank, which folds into the fob when you’re not using it. Press a button, and it pops out. This key has either a regular cut or a laser cut. One benefit of the switchblade key is that you can get the parts separately. If you’ve really lost your key for good, then both components will require programming.

For some cars, the transponder key and the fob are all in one unit. Also known as a laser-cut key, the shank is a bit thicker, and has fewer carved-out grooves. Laser-cut keys are sometimes referred to as “sidewinder” keys, because of the winding-shaped cut on the shank. The laser-cut key’s built-in transponder chip has to be programmed. It’s more difficult to get a spare key made anywhere, except at your dealership. It costs more, but your car’s more secure.

A smart key is not a key at all ~ not in the usual sense of the word. It’s just a fob. You either put it into the dash, or you keep it in your pocket, on your belt buckle, or in your purse. You just sit in the driver’s seat, and start or stop your car with the press of a button. A smart key is extraordinarily secure, because it has rolling security codes. That means it’s continuously randomizing the correct code, a significant feature that prevents a potential car thief from hacking it using a code grabber. Get your smart key replaced at the dealership.

Make a spare key.

Are you constantly unable to find your keys, bickering with your spouse or teenager over who lost whose keys? Save money on transponder key programming when you make a third spare key. Since you probably already have two keys (which you would have received when you bought your car), a lot of makes and models will allow you to program a third key. First, hire an automotive locksmith to cut a third key for you, and then you can follow your owner’s manual to program it on your own.

The following procedure will work on many American-made vehicles. But before you spend any money, check with your dealership or with a local automotive locksmith professional to ask if it will work with your specific vehicle. If you’re located anywhere in Virginia Beach, Virginia, find a local reputable locksmith, such as the skilful mobile automotive locksmith specialists on staff at Virginia Beach Locksmith.

  1. Insert one of the two working keys, and turn the ignition to the “on” position for about 3 seconds (don’t start the car).
  2. Do the same thing with your second key.
  3. Now insert the new third key, and turn it to the “on” position for another three seconds. This will successfully program your extra key.


One thing you can do to get in your car is that you can get only the basic key, without the transmitter. This costs less, and you’ll at least have a key to get you inside your vehicle. This comes in handy if you lock your car keys inside the car. The programming element, which does the remote locking and unlocking, is a luxury, since it’s not required for gaining entry or for driving your car. You can program this part yourself by following the owner’s manual’s instructions, or hire a professional automotive locksmith technician in Virginia Beach to do it for you.

Never lose your transponder key again!

Any way you slice it, a transponder key is expensive. The best defense against misplacing it again is to prepare ahead of time. Don’t tempt fate! If you have only one car key, it’s a lot better to have a backup spare key made right now, than to get stressed out over it later, when you’ll end up spending more than you wanted to, in what will likely be a crisis.

Anywhere you choose to program your transponder key, you will need:

  • your vehicle’s chassis number
  • proof that you’re really the owner, with two forms of ID
  • the code from the manufacturer’s original code card, which came with your vehicle

If you don’t have that code, track down an automotive locksmith technician who will do the proper reprogramming to get you back on the road again. A trustworthy professional will be highly qualified to help you, normally at a lower price than what the dealership charges.

Garage Door Locks – How They Add Additional Security

Many people aren’t aware that they can add garage door locks and use them to increase their home protection and security. Here in Virginia Beach, VA we are seeing them installed more often in area homes in every price range and neighborhood. Virginia Beach Locksmith offers this valuable service to our local customers at the best rates and with convenient same day installation. Read on to learn more about garage door locks and how they can add an extra measure of security to your Virginia Beach home!

Virginia Beach 24-Hour ServiceWhy Garage Door Locks?

You may be wondering; it’s a garage; what’s the big deal? Go take a peek inside your home’s garage and notice what you see. Of course every residential garage is different according to the occupant’s needs, but basically the same items can be generally found in these car parking spaces.

Start with transportation. You have at least one car and possible more parked in there. Now, add ATVs, bicycles, golf carts, motorcycle(s) and maybe even a riding lawn mower! Add up the value of these vehicles alone and you can see that we are talking about some real value.

Keep looking; what else is noticeable? You might notice hot water heaters, water conditioners, garden supplies, tables, paint, storage cabinets, shelves, lawn furniture, tools, work benches and lots more! Do you see all that value adding up? Even if you don’t; a crook can and will! Accessing a residential garage is not hard and can yield quite a treasure for someone who wants to steal or vandalize your belongings.

Burglar Heaven!

Were you aware that many homes are broken into with no one really noticing? All the crook had to do was access the garage by any number of means, and then close the door. Our Virginia Beach locksmith experts warn local homeowners and renters to be aware of this practice for their enhanced safety and protection. Think about it; the burglar accesses your garage and closes the door. Where does the garage almost always lead to? That’s right; the interior of the home itself! Since the garage door is closed, the crook can work in practical seclusion and is unseen from the street. He can take note of what’s in your garage for theft purposes or start picking the lock on your door that leads inside. And that is if you bothered to lock it! If you didn’t; guess who’s now in your home?

Virginia Beach Broken key extractionDon’t Panic!

This post is written to inform you; not make you panic. There are simple and affordable steps that you can take to make your garage and home less susceptible to unwanted visitors and robbers. Let’s start with the outside of your home. Clear away any clutter outside. Not only will your property look better and be less of a fire hazard but your neighbors will quit giving you the stink eye whenever they see you. Seriously though, clutter outside the home practically invites crime. Trim over-grown tree branches, hedges, garden growth and remove boards, trash piles and barbeque equipment. You don’t need to have someone hiding behind those things waiting to make their move or even watching you and your loved one’s actions! Many of our Virginia Beach, VA customers add extra lighting to this area and even motion sensor lights that turn on when someone is moving about. Not only do these extra steps add to your overall property value and appearance, but would-be burglars notice these improvements and are less likely to bother with your home.

Garage Door Locks!

Adding some locks to your garage door(s) can work wonders for your peace of mind and security. There are many lock choices and brands available so be sure to do your homework and check out the right ones for your needs and budget. If your first instinct is to go “as cheap as possible” stop and consider for a moment the value of the things we mentioned above that you are trying to protect. Try to look at adding locks to your garage door as an investment in your overall protection and not as just another expense.

Do It Yourself

Many people like to be the handyman around the house and if your time and ambitions allow this, you might consider adding your garage door locks yourself. Before you start, do a quick check and make sure that your rollers, tracks, hinges and the garage door itself are clean and working properly. Some lock types to consider include:

T-Handled Lock – this garage door lock is all metal and is used with an interior swivel lock handle. You can also use this lock on mobile home doors and recreational vehicles.

Deadbolt Lock and Key Cylinder – if your garage door has a locking hub; this may be the lock for you. Its key cylinder has a locking tumbler piece and all parts including the plates, fasteners and mounting hardware are made of sturdy metal.

Deadbolt V7651 Lock – this lock is highly resistant to burglars because its 2 inch lock cylinder is installed on the exterior while the actual lock body is installed on the inside and it has a locking bar that is almost 4 inches long.

There are many other styles and designs of garage door locks so it’s best to do some research online or in home improvement stores and see what is best for your needs. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and to check reviews and comments. Keep in mind that people tend to not comment on forums and reviews when happy. It’s when they are not pleased with the hardware or the brand that you really hear about it. The smart way to get all of your garage door lock questions answered is to simply call an experienced and fully certified residential locksmith shop like ours. Virginia Beach Locksmith offers a huge line of garage door locks to fit any size or material of garage door. Rates are affordable and we even offer free consultations! What a great way to get all of your questions answered and any concerns you have addressed!

What to Do When Locked Out of Your Car

Virginia Beach Automotive LocksmithMotorists dread the idea of being locked out of their car, however, this happens quite frequently. There are all sorts of reasons why you may find yourself locked out of your car. You may lose your keys somewhere in your home. Perhaps you put them in a jacket or pant pockets that you don’t remember. Maybe you laid them down while shopping and didn’t realize you ever took them out in the first place. If you have had to endure a hard day at work, it may have gotten even worse once you walked to your car only to realize that you have lost them.

Perhaps the keys have fallen out of your pocket or purse, somewhere in your car. If you are rushing and you snatch the key out of the car ignition or door, you may break the key off in the door or ignition. All of the above mentioned instances are common. If you have done any of these things, trust me when I tell you that you are not alone. While we understand that this is an extremely frustrating situation, there is a solution for your lockout situation. The key to quickly resolving the problem is to remain calm so that you are able to think clearly. Here are a few ways to avoid being locked out for too long.

Always Have a Spare Key

This is one of the most logical things to do if you want to avoid being locked out of your car for too long. Despite this being a practical solution, it might surprise you to know that not everyone has a spare key. Stop what you’re doing and put this on your to-do list, if you do not already have a spare key. The worst part of this solution would be for you to keep the spare key inside your car, where it obviously can’t do you any good. The best way thing to do is make sure that you give the spare key to someone that you trust. This way they can bring you the key and viola! Yes, it is just that simple. Knowing that someone else has a key that can quickly get you back into your car should put your mind at ease in the case that you are locked out of your car.

Virginia Beach DeadboltsDIY vs Locksmiths

There are some motorists who would simply prefer to handle the problem on their own. This is a lot easier for those who have an older model vehicle. However, cost-effective doing it yourself might seem to be, consider the amount of time it may cost you to gain access again. You should also consider the amount of damage that you might make to the exterior of your car during the process. This might actually make the situation worse. Contacting the services of a locksmith, such as, Virginia Beach Locksmith, enables you to avoid the aforementioned.

Since most locksmith services offer 24-hour mobile servicing, they can get you the help that you need in no time. This means that you won’t have to waste time attempting to gain access. Since locksmiths are experienced in working with various makes and models of cars, it is easier for them to effectively unlock your car without causing damage to exterior or interior of your car. The good thing about a using a locksmith service to handle your lockout needs is that they come to where you are. You don’t have to pay extra to have your car towed to them.

Roadside Assistance

There are several well-known roadside assistance services that you may want to join. What they do is provide you with roadside assistance if you have car trouble, including, car lockouts. You pay a monthly fee and you are able to receive a specified amount of roadside assistance. This type of service is especially useful to anyone who has an older car. It is also a great idea for anyone who is prone to locking themselves out of their car. Check your car insurance to see if you are paying for roadside assistance. In many cases, motorists have insurance policies that enable them to receive a certain amount of roadside assistance per year. This is extremely helpful because they will send the nearest locksmith to assist in getting you back inside your car.

Stay Safe When Locked Out

Since a car lockout can occur when you least expect it, you may find not be fortunate enough to be locked out while still at work or at home. It is quite possible that you may be locked out in the middle of nowhere. When you are in an unfamiliar location, it is important that you take notice of your surroundings and never leave your car unattended when the key is locked inside the car. This could spell real trouble. If you need to get to a phone because yours in locked inside your car, make sure you leave someone to watch the car so that your car windows are not broken and your car stolen. If you are traveling alone, you may need to wait in order to get the help of a police officer, highway patrol or some city roadside assistance service. Whatever you do, don’t leave your car or hop into a car with someone you don’t know. If a stranger stops to help, simply ask if you can use their cell phone to call for help instead of asking for a ride anywhere.


Again, the key to gaining access back into your car as quickly as possible is to make sure you have a spare key, call a reputable and reliable Virginia Beach, VA locksmith that offers 24-hour servicing and buy roadside assistance. These are all sure to help you get back on the road sooner than later. With a little forethought, you’ll be back in your car before you know it. Don’t wait until you’re locked out; act now to avoid any further frustration by being locked out longer than you have to be.



Even children know what the ignition does; it starts your car! Who doesn’t remember going for a ride in the family car and after climbing in the back seat, seeing your driving parent put the key in the ignition and…off we go! It was like having an on/off switch located in the column of the steering wheel. In the “old days” it was exactly that. The ignition’s primary purpose was to supply electrical current to the ignition system circuit at the same time that the engine was being cranked.

Virginia Beach Smart KeyMore modern ignitions do more; much more! Now the ignition system supplies electricity through an accessory position on the switch so that other components of your vehicle can also function. These include heater blower motors, windshield wipers, radio, power seats, power windows, air conditioning, power door locks, electronic automatic transmissions and many others. What it all comes down to is that your vehicle’s ignition system is a complex electronic device that allows you to activate the starting system as well as powers many electrical systems throughout the vehicle.

So what’s the bottom line? It’s this. The more parts, the more can go wrong! Even new ignition systems can sometimes fail and it’s smart to know the main symptoms of car ignition problems and what to do about them.


The most obvious – does your engine fail to turn over when the ignition key is turned to the start position?

Idling car – you come up to red light and the car is on but not moving. Does the car stall out? Is the ignition hot when you touch it? Does this happen frequently? Call for repair service as soon as possible as a suddenly stalling car while driving can be highly dangerous!

Jiggle the steering wheel – if your car won’t start and the key seems stuck; it may be that your steering wheel is locked. Don’t use force to remove the key, the dangers of breakage and additional problems are great. Simply jiggle the steering wheel back and forth a few times to release it.

No radio – With your key in the “on” position, does the radio work? How about the headlights? Many times these symptoms are mistaken for a bad battery when in fact it is the ignition system that is not working.

Leave no stone unturned and assume it’s your ignition. Take a moment to see if your radio volume is turned all the way down or even on. If you are inside your garage, see if you can see your headlights shine on the garage wall. If not, you may have to make sure that the car is in “park” and walk around to the front to see if the headlights are working.

Multiple turn-overs – no, not the bakery kind! Does your vehicle need several engine turn overs in order to start? This is another classic symptom of ignition switch failure. Your repair professional will be able to accurately test your vehicle’s ignition with the use of a multimeter. A simple diagnostic check will determine if there are shorts in the electrical system that is causing the problem.


Turn the ignition to the “on” position but don’t actually start the car. What do you notice? Did the headlights, dashboard lights, oil and brake lights turn on? Did any warning lights turn on? If not, your ignition switch is the most likely culprit. On the other hand, sometimes these items alone work but the car won’t start. Why is noticing all this important? The more symptoms you notice and describe to your Virginia Beach, VA repair person the better. Sure, he or she can figure all this out on his own but time is money and putting your car through these tests just saved a good half hour or repair service.

You may have noticed that many of these symptoms sound like a simple battery problem. So how can you tell? In many cases, you will hear a fast clicking sound when the battery is involved. This signals that your starter motor is trying to engage and it can’t. Also, the rest of your dashboard lights will be dim to dead and the electronic system is completely unresponsive. Be sure to check and see if your transmission is the PARK gear and not in any position. Many times Virginia Beach Locksmith has received ignition repair calls and the only problem was a simple gear shift!

WARNING – Your car’s ignition system runs on electrical current. Be careful if attempting to repair or replace your starter switch or any wiring by yourself! Make double sure that you have a trusted mechanic or an automotive locksmith in Virginia Beach, VA that you can call on. If not, be sure that metal objects like tools or other keys away from the wires.


Are you an experienced auto mechanic or locksmith? If not, you may want to work with one as this isn’t like changing a tire or adding motor oil, it requires skill and know-how to safely do ignition change service. Consider calling a licensed, bonded and insured automotive locksmith in Virginia Beach, VA instead of going through your car dealer or local auto repair shop. If your ignition system is out, your car won’t run and that means involving a tow truck and paying their fees on top of the repair bill.

Virginia Beach Locksmith offers 24-hour automotive locksmith service that includes ignition change outs, broken key removal, stuck key extraction and lots more. Prices are affordable and we offer fast and responsive emergency help that comes directly to you; no tow fees or long waits at the car repair shop. Prices can vary between locksmith shops, so if you notice spotty service from your ignition, be sure to call around for free price quotes. Add some phone numbers to your smart phone in case your ignition gives out on the road or when you’re busy with kids or pets in the car. For best results call for ignition cylinder replacement as soon as you notice any of the above problems.